Gotham is an upcoming American television series created by Bruno Heller, based on characters appearing in and published by DC Comics, specifically those of Detective James Gordon and Bruce Wayne, who were created by Bob Kane, and others in DC’s…
The next animated film to be released by DC Animation will be Batman: Assault on Arkham. The movie is a prequel that takes place two years before the first video game, Arkham Asylum. This new featurette gives us a sneak…
Our friends over at MWCToys have posted some photos from the DC Collectibles booth at San Diego Comic Con. While all of the previously solicited statues from the Bombshells line are shown, the reveal of the upcoming Black Canary looks…
Here are a few early videos from the 2013 San Diego Comic Con showing off some of the upcoming products from Hot Toys. I love that HT has acquired the Batman television series license. Now I just need to see…
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