Gotham is an upcoming American television series created by Bruno Heller, based on characters appearing in and published by DC Comics, specifically those of Detective James Gordon and Bruce Wayne, who were created by Bob Kane, and others in DC’s Batman franchise. The series will star Ben McKenzie as the young Gordon. Heller serves as executive producer on the project along with Danny Cannon, who will also direct the pilot. Gotham received a series order from Fox on May 5, 2014, and is scheduled to premiere in the 2014–15 television season.
As originally conceived, the series would have served as a straightforward story of Gordon’s early days on the Gotham City Police force. The idea evolved not only to include the Bruce Wayne character, but will also tell the origin stories of several Batman villains, including the Penguin, the Riddler, Catwoman, Two-Face, the Joker and Poison Ivy.
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