Normally I’m not a huge fan of reboots. It seems there are way too many of them being produced in Hollywood nowadays. A large majority of them seem unnecessary and don’t seem to bring anything new to the established story, but on occasion there are some that seem to have new ideas on how to expand the current mythos of a character. From some of the early trailers of the new Robocoop movie, that definitely appears to be the case.
Starting off with assembling a stellar cast of Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Michael Keaton, Samuel L. Jackson, Jackie Earle Haley, Abbie Cornish and Miguel Ferrer (who was in the original Robocop) and now releasing some incredible looking trailers has me very excited for where this franchise could be headed.
Due to be released February 12, 2014(hope the wife doesn’t mind spending Valentine’s Day at the movies).
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